
sabato 16 aprile 2016


SULMONA - Josiah Meadows, of the Legal Home School of Georgia (USA) has won the 17th edition of the Certamen Ovidianum Sulmonense, being awarded a cash prize of 1,000 euros, a diploma of merit, a gift of books, a small sack of typical products offered by the European Food and drink, and a miniature reproduction of the statue of Ovid.
The second-place winner: Valentina Moroni, Liceo Classico De Gasperi Battaglia of Norcia (a cash prize of 750 euros, a diploma of merit and the same prizes as the winner.
The third-place winner: Giulia Di Stefano, Liceo Cavour of Turin (a cash prize of 500 euros, a diploma of merit and prizes as above). The fourth-place winner: Anna Giacontieri, Liceo Classico Casare Beccaria of Milan (a diploma of merit and a gift of books) The fifth-place winner: Beatrice Ambrogi, Liceo Classico Frezzi of Foligno (a diploma of merit and a gift of books) The sixth-place winner: Flavia Risi, Liceo Dante Alighieri of Latina (a diploma of merit and a gift of books). A diploma of participation and books were given to all of the student's who placed 7th to 60th

Special prizes “Giuseppe Di Tommaso” and “Achille Marcone” for the best translation of each foreign delegation:
Austria: Linda Liu (BG8 Plaristengymnasium di Vienna)
Bulgaria: Betina Yaneva (Liceo Classico Constantino Cirillo II di Sofia)
Germany: Maximilian Leo Linkersdorff (Kepler Gymnasium Tubigen)
Montenegro: Katarina Femic (Gimnazija Slobodan Skerovic di Podgora)
Romania: Diana Elena Moldoveanu (Colegiul National Bogdan Petriceicu)
Serbia: Lucija Danilov (Filoloska Gimnazija di Belgrado)
USA: Josiah Meadows (Legal Home School of Georgia)

A rare copy of a work of Ovid, printed in 500, was offered by the Rotary International Club of Sulmona to the best ranked student of the Liceo Ovidio: Eleonora Aielli, class V C.

Traditional delivery of the scholarship, in memory of the Ferrucci brothers, to the students of the Liceo Classico Ovidio who have received the best average grades in the course of the last three years of study: for the current school year the scholarship was assigned to Eleonora Aielli, V C.

60 students of 18 Italian high schools and 19 foreign high schools, in representation of Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and the United States of America participated in the XVII Certamen Ovidianum Sulmonense, an international Latin contest (Sulmona 14th, 15th, and 16th of April, 2016).